/BCO-DMO/CMORE/other/discrete_13C --cast eq 4-- Level 1

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#  Discrete samples of 13C fixation rates
#  CMORE affiliated / POOB
#  Ocean Microbial Ecology Laboratory
#  Ricardo Letelier
#  original figinally ingested into  originally ingested into BCO-DMO: Decembd : eb 11 2011 (anllary co 2011 (ancillary columumnns added - data not changed)
#  updated : Mar 30 2011 (years corrected, changed from 2010 to 2008)
date         sta       cast      lat       lon       
20080704     1         4         30.0033   -149.5999  
bots      depth       C_1_no_prefilter  C_2_no_prefilter  C_average_no_prefilter  C_stderr_no_prefilter  C_3_10um_prefilter  C_4_10um_prefilter  C_average_10um_prefilter  C_stderr_10um_prefilter  C_gt_10um_fraction  activity_and_comments  
23-24     5           nd                nd                580.68                  nd                     nd                  nd                  nd                        nd                       nd                  nd                     
17-18     25          nd                nd                699.89                  nd                     nd                  nd                  nd                        nd                       nd                  nd                     
date         sta       cast      lat       lon       
20080712     12        4         30.3659   -139.42   
bots      depth       C_1_no_prefilter  C_2_no_prefilter  C_average_no_prefilter  C_stderr_no_prefilter  C_3_10um_prefilter  C_4_10um_prefilter  C_average_10um_prefilter  C_stderr_10um_prefilter  C_gt_10um_fraction  activity_and_comments  
12-13     40          nd                nd                563.66                  29.57                  nd                  nd                  nd                        nd                       nd                  nd